My Magazine addresses the needs of its focus groups by featuring Hip-Hop music artists and information about the Music Industry. I have come to find that the majority of these artists that represent the Genre are between the ages of 16 and 34, considering the fact that my magazine focuses on very similar age groups 16-28 which means that my focus groups can relate to these artists I will be featuring according to the study of Psychographics.
My magazine also addresses the needs of its focus groups by being a newsweekly publication, which frequent enough to keep people updated on events surrounding the music industry. This is important because the contemporary music industry today is exploding with activity and people want want to be updated; they want to stay ahead of things and know what's going on in the Media industry.
The reason for this is because of the Uses and Gratifications
theory, people use the Media to escape from their everyday problems and because of the way society has deemed certain practices to be acceptable, people find the need relate their lives with the lives of these artists, that's why Media sells. It's a common thing and totally relatable among peers.
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