Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Music Magazine Evaluation (Questions #2 & #4)

The information I have provided below based on my knowledge answers the following questions:

-How does your media product represent particular social groups? (Question#2)
-Who might be the audience for your media product? (Question #4)
Hip-hop is one of the most popular music Genres today. My media product represents young adults and teenagers typically between ages 16-28. There are several artists who represent the Genre that fall within that same age boundary, this means the young people (audience) can relate to them. After having a look at Maslow's Hierachy of needs, Uses & Grafications and Stereotypes it was found that young adults as well as other groups use the Media to escape from their problems and satisfy their needs.

As humans, we have a need to be accepted, we want to be loved and cared for and so these young people grasp on to something that they can relate to and be a part of. My JAMZ Music Magazine will focus on ages typically between 16-28, 80% male and 20% female.  The reason for this is because I have come to find out that females aren't as interested in Hip-hop as men because it has been found to be more of a male type Genre. Considering the fact that there are more male artists than female artists in the Hip-Hop. Furthermore, Hip-Hop have been stereotyped to be a negative genre because many artists that represent it promote music that encourages exploitation of female sexuality, violence, drugs etc. A reason for this massive difference in hip-hop being more popular with male than female audiences may be the stereotypical presumption that females are  more  ''sensitive/emotional''  but the more mature of the two sexes.

Lastly, a lot of young people (mostly males) have found Hip-Hop to be a very interesting Genre due to the lyrical style and creative nature. Hip-hop involves a lot of rhyming which is like poetry and a lot of the things said in the songs can create excitement. Which is one of the main reasons why these young people are attracted to the Hip-hop. There are a number of events circulating the lives of the celebrities and this has been a great point of interest in Contemporary media. As mentioned before, these young people want to have a sense of belonging and so they observe the lives of the celebrities as they can relate to them with their friends. 

Below I've provided a 2 youtube videos in response to the questions which highlights important key areas such as Demographics, the Social Economic Table and Stereotypes in relation to Music.

Please Note: Watch both videos in HD 720p for Maximum Quality and Resolution.
This Video Here gives a direct response in relation to question #2 on Stereotypes in relation to music.

This Video below is a Videod focus group I did for my JAMZ Magazine in relation to question #4.

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